A Briton and a witness in the ongoing case against Dr. John Abebe, the brother to the late Mrs Stella Obasanjo, Ms Charlene Cross, yesterday, during the fraud trial of Dr.  Abebe, insisted that he, (Abebe) forged parts of an oil contract.

During cross examination before an Ikeja High Court, the witness insisted that parts of a Net Profit Interest Agreement, NPIA, was forged.

The Briton and Paul Piche, a Norwegian and the Country Manager of Equinor, Turkey had testified as prosecution witnesses for the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission on  Monday.

ross is the in-house lawyer and  Assistant General Manager, Dispute Resolution Projects for BP Exploration on London. Cross, while being cross-examined by Mr E. D Onyeke,  a member of Abebe’s defence team said she was in court to represent the position of BP Exploration London that the document referred to in court as Annexure two was forged.

He said: “I’m the name and that the defendant was a Director of BP,   I’m not aware that Annexure two and Annexure three were signed in London. It makes no sense how BP would put together that clause in Annexure Two.” Cross, in her testimony, acknowledged the role Abebe played in bringing BP Exploration to Nigeria. Read more<<<<

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