Against the backdrop of the Federal Government’s alleged lackadaisical attitude over new minimum wage, the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities, SSANU, has warned the government not to push workers to the wall, saying the consequence may be grievous.

SSANU in a communiqué after its 34th  National Executive Council, NEC, meeting at the Delta State University, DELSU, Abraka, signed by its National President, Samson Ugwoke and the National Public Relations Officer, Abdussobur Salaam, accused the government of not being sincere with the negotiation team.

In its resolution, the union said: “NEC in session notes that the negotiations on the new national minimum wage are becoming unnecessarily protracted. NEC observes that the Federal Government appears not to be sincere about the negotiations and that the decision of the Federal Government side, to postpone the meeting of the Committee sine die, on the grounds of further consultations, is flimsy. Read more<<<<<

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